
Here’s another one from A Kindle World Blog:

Why was Flash setting set to OFF with Kindle Fire’s last Update with nothing said?: WHAT HAPPENED TO FLASH AFTER THE LAST KINDLE FIRE UPDATE?

The most recent Kindle Fire update was January 18, and for some reason Amazon suddenly changed the FLASH (video and scripts) setting to OFF (not ‘enabled’) as the Default Option.

They actually RENAMED the setting from “Enable Plug-ins” to the more understandable “Enable Flash” — and then, they turned it *Off* as a default, leaving customers to flounder about wondering what to do to get it back.

As a result, as they would know because they do monitor the forums, deleting posts that clearly don’t follow board guidelines, the Amazon Kindle Forums have people asking, each and every single day since the latest update, essentially, “I can’t see videos on web pages anymore! Can anyone help me?”.   I’m not exaggerating.  There’s not a day missed that at least two people posting on the front page threads are upset or just plain angry that the video feature no longer works for web pages.  It’s as if they had an iPad, which has this limitation intentionally.

And who answers these perplexed customers who have wasted a lot of time trying to figure it out before coming to the forums.?  The other customers who hang out to help on the Amazon Kindle Community Forums.

Amazon has excellent phone support for Kindle customers but virtually zero customer-support help on their forums — not even a boilerplate for a question like this that is asked daily.

All this does is cause people to think something is wrong with the device, so what is Amazon thinking, to let this go on day after day?

(Via A Kindle World blog.)


  1. Why? Because Flash is dead and HTML5 is the future. No point delaying it, getting users used to seeing some videos not working should be lighting up the forums of content providers, not device manufacturers. This will speed up the implementation of HTML5 video on the web. The technology has been available for at least 2 years now.

    Big Buck Bunny anyone?

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