author earningsUncovering the Inner Workings of the Author Earnings Report (GoodeReader)
Hugh Howey, bestselling author and much of the driving force behind the Author Earnings report, spoke with Good e-Reader about some of the accusations that have been hurled at the reports and their creators.

Holding Onto the Triple Play: How Costs, Caps and Contracts will Keep ISPs Flush (GigaOM)
Any ISPs will see an erosion of their pay TV subscribers as broadband provide more entertainment options. ISPs know this, and here’s how they plan to stay in business while the market shifts.

No Lack of Major Prose Houses at Comic Con (PW)
From samplers and author panels to signings and galleys of science fiction and fantasy novels, major book publishers such as Penguin Random House and HarperCollins are once again investing heavily in promotional materials for the five days of Comic-Con International.

Authors Guild Blog post on Amazon Raises Hackles from Authors (Digital Book World)
Some authors think that the Authors Guild would be more aptly named the “Publishers Guild” these days.

Kindle Daily Deal: Ever After (and others)


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