amazonA New Leak Reveals that Amazon Wants Increased Co-op Fees from Hachette (The Digital Reader)
New details concerning the ongoing Amazon-Hachette contract dispute were leaked yesterday in the NY Times.

Amazon’s Phone is its Biggest Recent Misstep (Dear Author)
There are shopping apps, reading apps, music apps, and video apps for every platform because Amazon wants to be everything to everyone everywhere. It makes perfect sense that Amazon would want a phone.

How to go Completely Paperless with iOS (GigaOM)
It still takes a little effort to go completely paperless; with names like iPad and tablet, the devices we use still pay homage to a paper-based world. But there are some apps for those who wish to banish paper.

Newsrooms School Teachers on What Students Should Learn (Media Shift)
Five educators are spending the summer at top news outlets — the Los Angeles Times, CNBC, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post — to learn the latest skills needed for their students to thrive after graduation.

Kindle Daily Deal: Who I Am (and others)


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