kickstarterNew Publishing? A Manifesto of Sorts (Dear Author)
And yet this is a true fact: There are more readers than Walmarts. There are more readers than readers who walk into Walmarts.

The Philippines Starts to Combat Book Piracy (GoodeReader)
The Philippines has become rather serious at combating book piracy in schools and on the consumer level. They are doing this to attract major publishers from Europe and the United States.

The Four Fatal Flaws of Failed Kickstarter Campaigns (GigaOM)
But launching a crowdfunding campaign is no guarantee of success. I want to focus on the common failure points for Kickstarter campaigns, examine why promising startups fail and learn how to avoid these hurdles all together.

The National Book Awards (PW)
The 65th annual National Book Awards were held on November 19 at Cipriani Wall Street, in a ceremony emceed by Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket). Publishers, editors, agents, writers, and other members of the industry all gathered to celebrate the winners of the award, one of the most prestigious in American literature.

Kindle Daily Deal: Charles Lenox Mystery Series (and others)


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