
From The Bookseller:

Waterstone’s is to launch its own e-reader in 2012 inspired by Barnes & Noble’s Nook device.

Waterstone’s m.d. James Daunt has spoken to BBC Radio 4’s “You & Yours” programme, on the edition broadcast today (9th September) at 12 p.m., telling the programme he wants to rival Amazon’s Kindle.

The Waterstone’s chief said the project is “well down the planning line”, and would launch in spring next year.

On the programme, Daunt said: “We in Waterstone’s need to offer you a digital reader which is at least as good, and preferably substantially better, than that of our internet rival, and you will have a much better buying experience purchasing your books through us.”

Daunt added he would be “disappointed” if Waterstone’s couldn’t come up with a digital offer that would at least match Amazon, if not be “substantially better” than it.

More in the article.


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