Readers may remember that a while ago I bemoaned the absence of premium pen brands from the stylus market. No longer. Now it seems that even haute couture brands are getting in on the stylus act, merging tech accessories with the kind of accessories that only Clueless‘s Cher would know how to accessorize.

French fashion brand Cacharel has now released a series of styluses in its Colombes range of accessories with various flavors of lacquer finish and styling. Concurrently, Nina Ricci has rolled out a range of stylus pens, mostly offered in matching sets with leather iPhone cases. Prices aren’t always premium, but do vary, and doubtless those moved to burn money in conspicuous stylus consumption will be able to do so, as no doubt other houses will be following the trend, and these designs do actually manage the trick of making the stylus tip look like a fairly integral and stylish part of the design. To my mind, it beats that cheesy Montblanc white snowflake anyway …

So my ideal image of the writer with sleek pen poised looks to have successfully transitioned to the digital era. Superbe!


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