free book sales data trackerEbook production and publishing platform Vook has continued its rollup of competitors and complementary ebook players with the acquisition of Coliloquy, the Palo Alto-based “digital publisher of enhanced and interactive ebooks and apps,” which has apparently specialized in interactive and rich media publications on the Kindle and other ebook platforms, currently boasting some 30 titles under its own imprint.

“Founded in 2011, Coliloquy has published over 30 titles, including Hard Listening by the Rock Bottom Remainders, Georgetown Academy by Alyssa Schwartz and Jessica Etting, Spellspinners by Heidi R. Kling, A Dark & Dismal Flower by JC Herz, and Getting Dumped by Tawna Fenske,” states the press release. “Recently, the company expanded to middle grade apps in partnership with Disney, creating innovative new reader experiences for their Kingdom Keepers and Percy Jackson franchises.”

Vook is not slow to put forward expansive claims for its own efforts, describing its acquisition of epublishing company Byliner, as “its first step in using technology to rebuild the publishing industry from the ground up – this time, putting authors first.” It was founded in 2009 by Bradley Inman, a West Coast serial entrepreneur with several internet companies in his resume prior to Vook, and appears to be following a classic aggregation strategy of consolidating other businesses around its own platform. According to its materials, “Vook powers the publishing programs of the world’s leading media brands – including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.”


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