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From the Vook blog:

Today, we made a very exciting announcement: We have 47 titles available for sale in Apple’s iBookstore. In the short time since our launch there, we’ve surpassed all players in the digital publishing space to become the largest and fastest growing publisher of enhanced eBooks in the iBookstore. In fact, we’re progressing so fast that by the time the press release hit the wires, we had 57 titles in iBooks.


Not only are we moving at the speed of light, but our titles are being received incredibly well. Reckless Road: The Making of Appetite for Destruction was #1 in the Entertainment category. The 90 Second Fitness Solution was featured on the front page of the store and Seth Godin’s Unleashing the SUPER Ideavirus was also highlighted in the Business section of the iBookstore.


So what’s next for us? We’re going to keep giving you the content you love in the format you want. We’ll be releasing our entire library and all of our new titles as enhanced eBooks in the iBookstore.


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