vook acquisition of booklrWith the Vook acquisition of Booklr this week, authors are getting closer to the receiving the type of data they have wanted for years.

Vook publishes and distributes e-books while Booklr tracks e-book analytics – a match that made in self-publishing heaven.

Authors have wanted more data for quite some time – more than quarterly reports. Booklr tracks performance and price, customer behavior, social metrics, sales and more. Vook customers will get to access the new data.

“Together we help content creators better monetize their book content and expand their audience through a focus on analytics, book creation, marketing services and distribution to all of the ebook devices,” said Vook co-founder Matt Cavnar in a press release.

Data and information have been hot topics of late in the publishing world with Hugh Howey and his data guru posting information at Author Earnings, and stirring the pot.

More data for publishers is a good thing. This allows them to see the best revenue streams and create viable marketing plans. And since many authors have become publishers, this data is extremely important to them.

“Authors can now get the best in class analytics, book creation and distribution that exist in the market,” said Booklr co-founder Josh Brody, who will be joining Vook as chief operating officer as well as Vook’s board of directors.

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Editor. Writer. Social media specialist. Reader. Video game player. Sports lover. Card Collector. "I used to be a library junkie with books piled on my nightstand. I’d be constantly renewing books until I finished all of them. There had to be a way to escape the clutter. That’s when I discovered e-book apps for my old Blackberry. I bought plenty of books and read and read and read. I even developed what I called ‘Blackberry Eye,’ small wrinkles under my eyes from staring down at my phone all day."


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