Mobile BankingThe University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, if you’re not familiar with it, is generally agreed upon as being one of the finest graduate business schools in the country.

Unbeknownst to TeleRead until just earlier today, however, was the school’s online business analysis journal. It’s called Knowledge@Wharton, and we’ve learned that the smart minds behind the website recently teamed up with Ernst & Young to produce a free, video-enhanced e-book titled Mobile Banking: Financial Services Meet the Electronic Wallet

“Mobile banking is far more than simply online banking by using mobile phones,” according to a press release that accompanied the e-book’s launch. “Banks are just one group of competitors on the playing field. Telecom companies, Internet and tech firms, retailers and others—from Microsoft, Google and Facebook to nimble upstarts like Square—are battling for the mobile wallet.”

I haven’t had a chance to look through the book just yet, although I have grabbed my free copy, naturally. But mobile banking, hard as it may be to believe, is actually a fascinating subject. And given the speed at which the U.S. Dollar continues to plumet, it may very well be a crucial subject to understand in the coming years. In the meantime, I just want to know whether or not it’s actually safe to share my financial information with websites like Mint. Hopefully Mobile Banking, which, by the way, was produced by Vook, will steer those of us who are interested toward an answer.

From the book’s website, here’s the scoop on the devices and apps that will support the multimedia enhancements you’ll find inside Mobile Banking:

At this time, the enhanced e-book can be read using the Amazon Kindle apps for iPad or iPhone; the Apple iBooks app for the iPad or iPhone; the Barnes & Noble Color, Nook Tablet, or Nook HD/HD+; and the Samsung Tablet or Premier Galaxy.


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