
From The Bookseller:

UK publishers are re-issuing their call for UK e-book sales charts, as the Wall Street Journal published the first official Nielsen BookScan US e-book charts for the week ended 23rd October.

The charts—which do not include any sales figures and are measured by volume sales—include a top 10 e-book chart for fiction and non-fiction alongside combined e-book and hardcover top 10s for both fiction and non-fiction.

The charts showed self-published e-books stealing into the fiction e-book chart, with The Mill River Recluse, written and published by Darcie Chan, in at number five; The Abbey, written and published by Chris Culver, taking the number six slot; and Last Breath, produced by Michael Prescott, at number eight. Chan’s title also took the number 10 slot in the fiction combined chart.

More in the article.


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