
From The Guardian:

The heads of more than 4,000 public libraries across the UK have agreed to national digital standards, which include providing free internet access in every library, and the ability to join a library and renew and reserve items online.

The Society of Chief Librarians (SCL) said that National Digital Promise will set the minimum standard for online services provided by public libraries in Wales, England and Northern Ireland.

Learn More: National Digital Promise for Public Libraries (via SCL)

Key promises made in the National Digital Promise include:

  • free access to the internet in every library (for a minimum period)
  • 24/7 access to a virtual library online
  • library staff trained to help people to go online
  • the ability to join a library online, and much more.

See Also: Full Text of the SCL Digital Promise for Libraries (Digital Promise 2012)
2 page Document, MS Word.


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