The James Herbert Award for Horror Writing, previously covered in Teleread and created in honor of the pioneering horror writer James Herbert, has been won in its first year by Nick Cutter’s The Troop, a wilderness tale of terror which sounds very much in keeping with James Herbert’s own work. The panel of judges included Ramsey Campbell and James Herbert’s daughter, Kerry Herbert.

“Once every year, Scoutmaster Tim Riggs leads a troop of boys into the Canadian wilderness for a weekend camping trip,” reads the official blurb for The Troop. “Part Lord of the Flies, part 28 Days Later—and all-consuming—this tightly written, edge-of-your-seat thriller takes you deep into the heart of darkness, where fear feeds on sanity…and terror hungers for more.”

The author, whose real name is Craig Davidson, receives a prize of £2000 ($2972) for the novel. There is an extensive and very appreciative summary of the book here, written in The Guardian by Tom Hunter. “My father would have chuckled in his chair; his fans will love it. And you’ll never go camping again,” said Kerry Herbert of the award.


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