Screen shot 2011 02 14 at 4 23 39 PMCheryl Goodman head of publisher relations for Qualcomm

Responsible for the Mirasol product. Two leaders now, e-ink and backlit screen. But these two devices should merge. Two industries desperately need each other for success. How many tablets will fail because of lack of content? At CES were a lot of tablets whose only content strategy was internet connectivity and this won’t work.

By 2011 will have 15 million additional units sold, but most without a content strategy. By 2013 will be 200 million tablets in peoples hands but, again, no content strategy for them. This is the opportunity for publishers. A lot of enthusiasm for the tablet product, but enthusiasm does not equate with satisfaction. Majority of publishers have not changed digital strategies. 67% of publishers remain the same. Mobile handset is the largest adopted single device in the world, but publishers have not taken up on this. PDF is bridge content and are not a solution for the market.


  1. Hardware shouldn’t have to pass or fail on availability of content… that’s putting the cart before the horse. Content should have already been there, and hardware should pass or fail on its ability to effectively deliver that content.

    If any tablets fail because there is no content for them, the problem is obvious: They came to market too soon.

    Actually, though, there is content, right now. Lots of it, in the form of digital text, music and videos, social media and organizer solutions. The hardware need only demonstrate how well those things play on their tablets. The strategy worked for iPad… ’nuff said.

  2. absolutely right Steven. There is plenty of ‘content’ available, specially on the iPad. Music, organising, email, web etc. so Ms Goodman’s comments are factually wrong.
    In terms of print media she may be more accurate. Her comments appear to be relevant to magazine publishers in particular.
    In addition almost all of the tablets on the market now, or pending, will be carrying the iOS, Android or Windows. These tablets do not therefore, on the whole, succeed or fail based on their hardware – but on the success of these three OSs.
    She also talks about enthusiasm without satisfaction. I believe she should consult all of the surveys on iPad satisfaction because they are the stuff of any marketer’s dreams.

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