We’re not entirely sure if the White House is now releasing a free holiday e-book on an annual basis. But we do know that taking a December tour of a seasonally-bedecked White House—presumably decorated by the First Lady—is something of a longstanding D.C. tradition.

According to the official White House website, Michelle Obama’s 2012 holiday decor theme is ‘Joy to All.’ And as reported by Obama Foodorama, a blog that exclusively covers the White House’s food initiatives:

“The thousands of guests who tour the White House in December will receive the Official White House Holiday Tour Book, which features a message from President Obama and Mrs. Obama, a description of this year’s decor, historic background on holiday traditions, and a recipe for Gingerbread Crinkles and a craft project.”

To download your own copy of the Tour Book—which, unfortunately, is only available as a PDF—click away.

Bo Inspects the 2012 White House Holiday Decorations

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