libraryI don’t believe I’ve ever seen an actual book domino chain in person. I’d never even seen a video of such a thing until earlier this afternoon. But apparently enough of them have been created over time that an actual Book Domino Chain World Record holder exists out there, somewhere.

And yet that person (or that institution, as the case may be) had its world record stripped away roughly four weeks ago by none other than the main branch of the Seattle Public Library. Officially known as the Central Library, the building became architecturally famous worldwide back in 2004, thanks to its fantastic and futuristic design by Rem Koolhaas.

As reported today on BoingBoing, the library “kicked off its Summer Reading Program by smashing the world record for a book domino chain,” which was “laid out in the library’s beautiful main branch, and was made up of 2,131 library discards and donations.”

According to a note on the library’s website, the books used in the domino chain (which required 27 college-aged volunteers to construct) will be sold as souvenirs at an upcoming Friends of the Library event. Watch the video below, and see if it doesn’t completely blow your mind.


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