imageIf you like your  plagues depicted more stylishly than does Michael Crichton, you might check out The Pisstown Chaos by David Ohle, a freebie from the ad-supported Wowio service. I’ve just run across it, but the start makes me want to read on:

“Victims of the Pisstown parasite were thought of as dead, but not enough to bury. Gray, haggard, poorly dressed, they lay in gutters, sat rigidly on public benches, floated along canals and drank from rain-filled gutters. City Moon, the Pisstown paper, dubbed them “stinkers.” Had you walked through Hooker Park, where groups of them congregated, you would have been wise to hold your breath as long as possible.”

“Advance orders for The Pisstown Chaos were so low last year, I canceled the original May 2007 publication, and tried again, this time for July 2008,” writes Richard Nash, publisher of Soft Skull Press. And to pull out more stops, this preview eBook.”

Related: Amazon page for the new Ohle book. Also see PW writeup, concluding: “Ohle’s creation of a vivid world, both familiar and foreign, dark and slyly humorous, makes the book a grim delight.”

(Via book critic Scott Esposito’s Conversational Reading.)

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