My friend Rochelle Hartman, the Raccoon of the ever-readable Tinfoil + Raccoon blog, sums up the glories of blogging for librarians.

Blogs have helped to bust wide open my professional world, expanding my access to information and connecting me to people with similar interests and fresh viewpoints in a way that journals, email lists and websites have not. One of the benefits of participating in blog culture is that my engagement with others who hold differing views has forced me to look hard at what I believe. I’ve learned the art of civil argument, and have found myself agreeing with folks whose ideas I might have dismissed had they been presented to me without the benefit of the comment format on LISNews. If you are interested in the latest news, expanding your professional network, or trying your hand at professional writing, there’s probably a library blog for you.

The above appears in e-Glance from the Alliance Library System in Illinois. On the same page see a related article by Mary Murray, “Blogging: Silly Word, Great Tool.”

(Via LibrariansInBlack and the Curmudgeony Librarian.)


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