indie-power-pack-blogDavid Gaughran blogs that he and some other authors are attempting to reach the New York Times Best Seller list with a super-cheap bundle of writing advice e-books. The Indie Author Power Pack bundles together three writers’ guides at the low low cost of 99 cents:

  • Write. Publish. Repeat. by Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant
  • Let’s Get Digital (2nd ed.) by David Gaughran
  • How To Market A book (2nd ed.) by Joanna Penn
  • PLUS exclusive content.

Gaughran also suggests that it would be most helpful to the cause if you bought the e-book from somewhere other than Amazon, because he suspects the NYT requires a minimum number of sales from non-Amazon outlets in order to qualify.

Wherever you buy it, it’s a real bargain at the 99 cent price. You might want to get a copy for yourself, and another for any NaNoWriMo-participant friends you know. I know I sure did. (Now I just have to find the time to read them.)


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