
That’s what an article in The Telegraph says, quoting Jonathan Miller, the chief digital officer at News Corporation.  He also said that The Daily will launch in Western Europe in the first half of 2011.  Miller spoke at a panel at the Abu Dhabi Media Summit.  The charge will be $39.99 a year.

He said that the newspaper:

… is aimed at a younger audience than traditional newspapers. He added that there are currently hundreds of thousands of people reading The Daily, which is being launched with Apple. “It does skew younger. If you follow what’s happening with news consumption around the world, it’s aging. And younger people as a generalisation are not consuming news at least in the ways they used to,” he says. “So we want to make a product that has broad appeal and that means it has liveliness to it, its very graphic and is very pictoral – a lot of video on it, all media in the same place. It is skewing much younger than newspapers.”


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