We all love stories. For many of us, it’s why we read, whether on paper or in electrons. But what are the most meaningful stories? For many of us, we love stories about our past, our families, and where we came from.

StoryWorth is a start-up that aims to make telling, reading and keeping those stories easier.

I really like the idea behind it. It’s all done via email. You can send questions to your loved ones, or StoryWorth will create and send questions. The recipient answers the question, and StoryWorth stores it and turns it into an online book.

It’s private. Only the user and family can see the stories, and you can download them to save, if you’d like. There are some sample questions on the site, and they are good.

• How did your parents meet?
• What were your mom’s friends like in high school?
• What was your dad’s first car?

The questions are simple, but it’s a good start to a dialogue about the past. About what makes your family a family.

I think it’s a great idea. I wish they’d been around while my grandfather was still alive. I know he had great stories to tell. This would have been a good way to gather them for my son.


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