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From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

The St. Paul Public Library will become a beta testing site for a new electronic book lending service on Wednesday.

The 3M Cloud Library eBook Lending Service will allow patrons to check out books on their own electronic devices or borrow such devices from the library to use at home.

The 3M system includes more than 100,000 titles from 40 publishers including Random House, Sourcebooks and IPG. 3M terminals with touch screens will help library patrons browse the digital collection. Digital readers also are synchronized with the library system.

See Also: eBook Usage Soars at St. Paul Libraries, But it’s Still a Small Fraction of Book Lending (January 4. 2012)

See Also: ‘3M Branches Out with e-Readers for St. Paul Public Libraries’ (July 2011)

(Via LJ INFOdocket.)


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