Screen shot 2010-02-17 at 4.53.14 PM.pngFrom the S&S press release:

Simon & Schuster Digital is pleased to introduce a specially developed “Author Widget” that enables authors and consumers to easily display and promote an author’s entire catalog of books on their own website or social networking site. The widget is available to authors, webmasters, bloggers and fans and can be found at the company’s recently launched business to business site,

The Author Widget will display all the books published by Simon & Schuster for that author, with the most recent ones appearing first, and are automatically updated as new information becomes available. The Author Widget also offers a simple solution that enables authors to link to online retailers, and authors and fan sites that participate in affiliate programs can continue to earn referral fees from purchases resulting from the widget.

You can find out more about using widgets at GetGlue. Any author can use them, not just the S&S crowd. That’s why I used the GetGlue logo above.


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