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From paidContent:

Another interesting digital acquisition by R.R. Donnelley & Sons, Co., the Chicago publishing services company that picked up Steve Brill and Gordon Crovitz’s Press+ earlier this year. Seeking to cement its 21st century image as a “global provider of integrated communications,” Donnelly is adding LibreDigital, a pioneer in digital publishing and distribution. No financial terms were disclosed.

In some respects, LibreDigital’s services for publishers in the digital space mirrors what Donnelley traditionally has done in print: digital printing, “warehousing” and distribution. Acquiring LibreDigital gives RRD access to that for its own customers plus presence on smartphones, tablets and e-readers, social commerce, browsing technology, analytics and more.

Among its assets:, a direct-to-consumer marketplace for newspaper and magazine replicas. is small compared to competitors like Newspaper Direct, though—much too small for a domain with that kind of potential—and should be an opportunity for Donnelley to exploit.



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