rowling.jpgAccording to The Bookseller:

Neil Blair, partner at the Christopher Little Agency (CLA) which represents Rowling, said the agency was “currently considering all the options and opportunities that this evolving space provides”. The agency was “actively” looking, whereas previously it had just been “monitoring the developing area”, he said.

That would indeed be a bit of magic should it happen.


  1. Too little too late Rowling. Your books been online since day 1 (well 2 or 3), so anybody with any interest in an e-version of your work already own one. This is 2010, and you are “considering the options in the evolving space”. Well welcome to this century, you are only 10 years behind.

  2. Day 1, actually.

    I remember that while I waited for FedEx to deliver my copy of HALF-BLOOD PRINCE at 10AM EDT, CNET reported that USENET already had it proofed since 7AM.

    Seems a crew in Britain got together to buy Midnight GMT copies and each scanned, OCR’ed, and proofed a separate chapter and combined them for uploading.

    All just to make a point.

    Similarly, I’ve heard (but can’t personally atest) that there is a set of Harry Potter PDFs torrenting around that are page-by-page, pixel-by-pixel, reproductions of the entire series. Out of sheer spite.

    Seems some folks get upset when you tell them their money isn’t good.

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