Own a Gemstar 1100 or 1150? Do you want a graceful way to load up e-books from HTML, ASCII or other formats that SEC target Henry Yuen and the other Gemstar greedsters wanted you to shun–in favor of their overpriced content?

Well, an annoyed Gemstar owner has come up with a way of doing this. Steve Breen will soon release a try-before-you-buy $30 program, and you can sign up now for notification.

He’ll start out with the 1150 in mind (the program won’t do .rb files) and move on from there. Gemstar itself has announced a Web-based file conversion service, but it almost surely will be more clumsy to use than the Breen program.

Meanwhile, on our 1100, Carly and I are using a mix of the old Rocket eBook software (for translating formats) and a Gemstar-provided Librarian program (which works with the 1100’s USB port). Be great to consolidate everything with one package. Nice going, Steve!

Kind of related: Won’t someone buy up rights to the hardware design and free the machines of the restrictions that the greedsters inflicted on them?


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