Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 AM.pngJohn’s Blog has a review of this Astak unit and finds it disappointing and “… a poor substitute for a paper weight.”


NPRs Morning Edition has a story on ereaders which you can listen to here.


Amazon is publishing its best-selling items for 2009 and you can find their bestselling books listed here. You can sort by year, month and week.


ComputerWorld UK publishes an excerpt from a “Reflection Document” from the European Commission entitled “Creative Content in a European Digital Single Market: Challenges for the Future”


  1. Assuming the NPR story you refer to is this one (, I am disappointed they did not actually ask someone’s opinion who had USED an eReader! Grossman speaks of them “scrolling.” Really? What does he think the Next Page button does?

    This seems to be a common failing in people who write about ebooks and eReaders. They ask folks who know a lot about the old way of doing something what they think about the new way.

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