Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 AM.pngAccording to Engadget, via the NY Times, the Nook is sold out and the next round of readers will ship out around January 4.

If memory serves, didn’t exactly the same thing happen to the Kindle 1?


  1. nook. lowercase. not Nook. nook. I will go on repeating this to my dying day. nook. try it, you’ll like it. language does not have to follow hard and fast rules. the nook people lowercased it on purpose. so did e.e. cummings. if you keep uppercasing Nook, i will start signing my name dan e. bloom

  2. Paul, it’s funny, and I know it’s a minor case, almost every US newspaper and website CAPS the first N in nook, just because that’s the way most stylebooks and copydesks and editors think. So of course, it can be written out as “Nook” instead of “nook”. But funny, just today I was reading a story in the local Chinese-langauge newspaper here in Taiwan, APPLE DAILY, and the article in Mandarin was about the Kindle and the nook and the SONY Reader, and as is usual for Chinese-language snailpapers and websites, when they come to a foreign word, especially an untranslatble English word like BlackBerry, or Kindle, or noo, the editors spell the word out in roman letters, ABC-style, and in this article today, Kindle was CAPPED, as was SONY Reader, just like that, but nook was lowercased, as the Barnes and Noble logo says it should be. What does this mean? Nothing. Just a story from overseas where nook is lowercased.

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