Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 has been developed by John Wiley & Sons to help consumers compare ereaders. examines and compares the following eReaders interactively: Amazon Kindle 2, Amazon Kindle DX, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPad, Cybook Gen 3, Cybook Opus, IREX DR 1000s, IREX Dr 800, IREX Iliad 2 Standard, Skiff Reader, Sony Daily Edition, Sony Pocket, & Sony Touch.

eBookPie, which offers ebooks and ebooks-by-the-chapter, have teamed up with Joshua Tallent’s eBook Architects to provide conversion and formatting services for authors who want to make their books available on the eBookPie site. More information here.

The Perseus Books Group has now opened up its Constellation distribution servce to any independent publisher (not just to customers who use the Group’s physical distribution services, as was the case) and will aggregate for the iBookstore.


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