Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 AM.pngAccording to Silicon Valley Insider, Apple has been telling some app developers to prepare apps for a demo in January. The developers were told to support full screen resolution, rather than a fixed 320×480. If the rumors are true and the Apple screen is as readable as expected, this could be a boost for e-books. Related: Techmeme roundup.


  1. Not since Moses carried one down from a burning bush, has there been this much interest in a tablet.

    Here’s what it could be, if Apple is thinking different enough: a high-resolution screen for ebook reading that’s easy on the eyes; a touch and stylus-touch screen that saves time and effort; a perfect companion for students and business persons who need to not only read text, but process it; a media player and media recording studio; an Internet-everywhere portal; a portable computer with thousands of cheap but good apps.

    What’s not to love ?

    Michael Pastore
    50 Benefits of Ebooks

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