That’s the title of the post over at the Accredited Online Universities blog. It is a compilation of reference books, fiction, nonfiction, audio books and book readers.It includes some neat stuff that I never knew existed like a grammar guide, free translator, National Archives app, Quotationary and other interesting stuff.


  1. Among the apps listed is one of my favorites— This is possibly the best dictionary I’ve ever had anywhere. Generally you don’t have to type the whole word before it starts suggesting things, so if you are a little fuzzy on the spelling, you can find it. Then it will also pronounce the word if you click on the microphone icon. This is huge, way better than diacritical markings. Since my phone is always with me, this is great when reading a “real” book, as opposed to my Kindle. If you don’t have to get up out of your chair, you are more apt to look it up.

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