Polish author Piotr Kowalczyk has found out something very interesting. This is from his English language blog Password Incorrect:

I opened last week a little Amazon store at my blog, where I list products which fit my interests. Today I was trying to create a Listmania list with e-reading devices available at Amazon.

The thing is that it was not possible to publish it. A terrible line “Sorry! Inappropriate language was used” appeared every time after I pressed a “Publish list” button. Originally I filled with information every field. Then got rid of everything except a title. Checked “eReaders”, “E-book readers”, “e-Reading devices” and a couple of other options. Finally I used “Reading devices” – which is Kindle’s original description. You see the result.

Such a tech-absurd: Amazon sold more than a million of inappropriate language devices so far. Fine with me, but please tell me what is a correct word to describe Kindle?

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