Here’s an interesting thing. The Bookseller reports on a new survey showing that the parents of older children are more likely to use the Internet rather than books to find information.

According to a new BookTrust survey, 60% of parents of four to eight year olds use books to find information, compared to 45% of nine to 11 year olds. The internet is used by 71% of parents of 9-11 year olds, compared to 52% of parents of four to eight year olds.

The article goes on to talk about subject matter kids prefer to read, favorite characters, and so on, but the age distinction was the most interesting thing to me. It seems to suggest that many parents only really discover the Internet when their kids do. “And the children shall lead”?


  1. Ok so … parents .. who’s .. children .. start .. discovering .. and .. using .. the .. internet, then .. start .. to .. use .. the .. internet .. themselves .. and .. parents .. who’s .. children .. haven’t .. started .. using .. the .. internet .. use .. it .. less … ..

    Got it.

    I suddenly feel very tired . zzzzzz

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