ScreenClip(7)Pizza and literacy. When you think of one, you naturally think of the other. Well, all right, maybe not under normal circumstances, but the local Ozarks Literacy Council has a yearly “Pizza Bowl” event to raise money for its operation, and I will be attending the 12th annual event this year. The event takes place on Tuesday, February 1, from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., at the Ramada Oasis Convention Center in Springfield, Missouri.

I attended once before, a few years ago, and found it quite enjoyable. There is an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet, supplied with pies from several different vendors (this year there will be 12), both chain and single-shop. Attendees will vote on whose pizzas are the best. There will be a raffle (including giving away an iPad), a silent auction, and a number of presentations by members of the Literacy Council and students it has assisted.

Literacy is becoming ever more important the more information-based our society becomes, and it’s good that local community service organizations exist to help it along. While I don’t see anything specifically relating to e-books on their website, I have little doubt that the OLC would see them as just as beneficial to learning to read as regular printed books.


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