
From Campus Technology:

The University System of Ohio is setting a spark under faculty members to encourage them to try out digital textbooks in the classroom with a new pilot program that will allow 1,000 Ohio students to receive the texts for free. The system is working with Flat World Knowledge, a company that publishes textbooks online and in other formats.

The deal made by the Ohio Board of Regents is just one of multiple digital book projects the university system is currently undertaking to encourage faculty to use digital resources in their courses. The goal is to drive down textbook costs for students and make college more affordable–a key strategy in Ohio’s 10-year Strategic Plan for Higher Education.

So far, according to Ohio Digital Bookshelf estimates, 49,936 students have saved money with digital textbook options. Ohio Digital Bookshelf acts as a clearinghouse for sharing ideas and successes within the university system.

Much more info in the article.  Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


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