Donna Dilworth at eBookNewser reports that has refurbished Nook Colors priced at $224.99, and 20%-off coupon code 206777 lowers the price to just $180 (+ $3 shipping).

Also at eBookNewser, Nate Hoffelder points out that Woot has a refurbished 2nd-gen Kindle 3G for $90 +$5 shipping (which we also mentioned earlier today) but also that Daily Steals has a refurbished original Nook 3G for $85. Neither of these has the Pearl screen of the very latest Kindle—but they do come with free 3G net access for life.

This seems to be quite a day for e-reader deals—but if you’re interested, don’t miss out. The Kindle and Nook 3G deals expire in just a few hours.


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