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Good things happen at Kindle Store. No more struggling with finding non-English books – at least when it comes to a couple of languages.

Go to Kindle Store’s homepage, scroll down until you see in a left sidebar Foreign Language Books section (see picture).

Five languages are available. Good for a start, but I wouldn’t expect more languages to be featured. Those are most important ones. The selection pretty much reflects in which countries Kindle Store launched or will launch soon.

You can go to a specific language from the links below. On every list books are sorted by popularity.

Foreign language books in Kindle Store

French – 38,937 titles
German – 35,309 titles
Italian – 6,301 titles
Spanish – 15,145 titles
Portuguese – 3,247 titles

For any other language, tips I shared before seem to be still working.

Via Ebook Friendly


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