Sadi Ranson-PolizzottiRoger Sperberg, a former Random House staffer from the production side, joined the list of TeleBlog contributors this summer.

Now we have another catch from the print world–Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti, who worked at The Atlantic Monthly and David R. Godine Publishers and was the founding editorial director for Lumen Editions, a spin-off of Brookline Books. She is also the author of a novella called Eels, praised by The Review of Contemporary Fiction.

Sadi will be writing essays and reviewing books for us, especially the electronic variety, with an emphasis on quality titles that could just as well be on paper. That’s appropriate. Sadi has edited distinguished authors such as Leslie Fiedler and also written for the Boston Globe and the BBC (great essay on Stephen Glass). She is known for her poetry and for her film reviews and music-related writings, too, including those on Bob Dylan. His official site links to her tantmieux area.

In her incarnation as a publisher and otherwise, Sadi has been profiled in Publisher’s Weekly and many magazines on and off-line, including Independent Publisher.

Like Roger, a former eBook Web contributor, she is also no stranger to the Web–having helped The Atlantic set up its original site, and being a regular contributor to BlogCritics. Check out a moving review she did of Gracefully Insane.

I’m especially keen on Sadi’s discovering gifted novelists writing literary-quality originals in e-format (perhaps with paper editions being published simultaneously). But her interests range widely. Among them:

–General trade nonfiction and fiction.

–Technology books of all breeds. They are of great interest, including books about e-commerce, Internet and Web usability guides and books that discuss user interface design and best practices for all Web sites or various industries.

–Business volumes that discuss how policies and internal business practices can be leveraged in vertical markets.

–Biographies or books about well-known mathmeticians and scientists such as John Nash (about whom I have written a great deal), Oliver Sacks and Kay Redfield Jamison and others.

–Books on Telecom practices.

–Books on film studies and culture.

–Those on generational and cultural issues, as well as most books about almost any form of music.

As a bonus, Sadi comes not only with recognized talents as a critic but also a fetching Scottish accent. I hope she can eventually do podcasts for TeleRead.

For the moment we’ve assigned Sadi the email address of Unless you’re a spambot, you know how to take it from there. Write Sadi if you’re an e-book publisher with suitable books for her to consider for review.


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