Fuse Alg1 Geom

From an article in eSchool News by Jenna Zwang:

New Jersey’s Edison Township School District will be the first in the state to implement an entirely iPad-based Algebra 1 curriculum.

The program will pilot the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Fuse: Algebra 1 application with 60 students this fall, said Richard O’Malley, Edison Township School District’s superintendent.

O’Malley has only been the district’s superintendent for about four months, but he said the addition of iPads in the classroom helps him get closer to his personal targets.

“I really wanted to bring as much technology into the curriculum as possible; that’s one of my goals for the district,” O’Malley said. “I really believe that this type of technology integration is the future of teaching and learning.”

More details in the article.


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