imageimage Bookeen’s new Orizon e-reader, unveiled at CES, features WiFi and Bluetooth and a six-inch screen without a stylus needed. Price might be $250. Among the formats is Adobe-DRMed ePub.

The Orizon measures 12.25 x18.5×0.75 cm and weighs 226 g. Resolution is 167 dpi with 16 gray scales. And, yes, there is an accelerometer

Hmm. I wonder how well the Bluetooth will work with a keyboard, and whether there might be some Web browsing capability tucked away in there. A Gmail machine in a pinch?

One positive of Bookeen readers is that they come with an “embolden” feature that boldfaces all your text if you want—one way to increase the perceived contrast between background and text. More from our friends at ActuaLitte, source of the scoop.

In addition to the Orizon announcement, Bookeen tells us that the Opus (right photo) will come in eight colors. An earlier version of this post said that the Orizon would; that’s apparently a mistake (thanks to Ansgar Warner for the catch).

(Paul Biba contributed to this report. Posted earlier today. Moved back up for the benefit of people who missed this.)


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