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From the Tools of Change, Bologna, announcement:

This year, the Bologna Children’s Book Fair is glad to announce a new category for this prestigious prize : The BolognaRagazzi Digital Award. This unique prize is intended to encourage excellence and innovation in the category of children’s story apps.

The award is open to all publishers and developers of apps made for children between the ages of  2 and 15 years old.

Application forms to submit app nominations can be found at www.tocbologna.com today.

The shortlisted award winners will be announced at the second TOCBologna event, held on March 18th next year .The BolognaRagazzi Digital Award will have a new jury of international experts in digital media and illustration. It will be run in collaboration with the Children’s Technology Review

For any publisher/ app developer this award gives:

  • Immediate international recognition and promotion of their work
  • Permission to use the award logo on the prize-winning work throughout the world
  • Global media coverage during the fair and after the event
  • Visibility at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair and the TOCBologna international conference


  1. Hi 🙂

    I created an online tool to help children with worry, anxiety and stress. The paper and ink version won awards in the last few years, but the online version is very different, and offers a lot more tools than previously available.

    My situation is that it won’t be ready until mid-May or even June to review. Also, it’s not a book anymore, it’s an educational digital tool. Is there a category for me to consider? I can immediately provide you with screen shots of the program and the instruction slides if this helps. I can also provide you with my patent application for 2013.

    Thanks so much. I appreciate your help 🙂

    Howie Abraham

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