Screen shot 2010-06-30 at 5.25.04 PM.pngHere are two from Resource Shelf.

The NFB is in the process of digitally archiving its 70-year film and tape-based archive. This is over 13,000 works that cover over 6,000 hours of content.

Additionally, the NFB has released an iPad app which provided free access to over 1,000 films and can even store up to 48 hours of content for offline viewing. There is also an iPhone app, which Resource Shelf says works great with their 3G.

You can find more information here. Very exciting! I’m going to download the iPad app as soon as I finish posting for the day.


  1. It’s a great idea.

    Unfortunately, that iPad app is one of the buggiest things I’ve ever installed on an iThing (iPad, iPhone, ipod touch). If it starts at all it never connects to the site. Hopefully they’ll fix it soon.

  2. @Andy – It’s true, we had some server issues when we first released the app but we fixed them within the first 48 hours. The problem wasn’t with the app itself. Another problem occurred when people had both the iPhone and iPad app installed on their iPad, so if that’s the case, please remove the iPhone app and try again.

    If you continue having problems, please let us know at

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