kobo-vox-ereaderKobo seems to have a new e-reader or tablet in the offing, Engadget reports, based on testing documents released by the FCC. Not a whole lot of details are present, but Engadget does note that the “Kobo Vox” seems to have a touchscreen and WiFi, but no visible hardware buttons. It features microUSB and microSD card interfaces, which are to be expected—but it also features an earphone jack, which hasn’t been on any Kobo model thus far.

With a name like “Vox”, my first inclination is to suspect that this device is going to include the “read aloud” functionality that a number of other e-readers already have. But is it going to be more than just an e-reader? Might it be Kobo’s entrance into the color tablet field?

It probably won’t be too much longer until we find out.


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