Wouldn’t it be great to have links pointing to multiple targets–so that you could choose between, say, a link to a book or one to a review of it? Or between short and long explanations of a technical term?

Well, check out the latest from Slashdot. Firefox already supports multi-targeted linking, handy at times for Wikipedia users; and you can bet I’d love to see it in OpenReader.


  1. If you follow this link to the item on Slashdot, you’ll see that the vast majority of posters gave this “development” a raspberry as being poorly executed, poorly thought out and claiming far more than it accomplished.

    Multi-linking isn’t a new idea; it’s just something the web doesn’t have. Maybe the experience of XLink should be cautionary here — inventing a solution and getting browsers to implement it and users comfortable with it isn’t all that easy.

    And if OpenReader should have multi-linking, at least implement a standard version instead of inventing one yourself, eh? 🙂


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