Morning RoundupYahoo confirms $1.1 billion Tumblr acquisition (CNET)
Yahoo announced the news on Monday, saying that it “promises not to screw [Tumblr] up.” Yahoo paid $1.1 billion for Tumblr, and the company has confirmed that “substantially all of which is payable in cash.”

When can a book be digital-only, and when does it need to be print too? (paidContent)
Book publishers discussed digital-first and digital-only initiatives at the Making Information Pay conference this week.

OverDrive & SourceBooks Test Lending Same eBook to Millions of People (AppNewser)
OverDrive has launched a pilot program that will allow millions of library patrons to check out the same eBook all at once during a two-week period.

Amazon may not get its .Amazon domain-name extension after all (Store Front Back Talk)
The problem comes down to the fact that anyone can object to a top-level domain that has special significance beyond being a trademark…

Kindle Daily DealsBerried to the Hilt by Karen MacInerney


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