The Value of Negative Reviews (John Scalzi)

Over at Metafilter, they’re talking about this New Yorker article, in which book critic Lee Siegel explains why he doesn’t want to write negative book reviews anymore.


K-12 Education Startups Face Challenges, Tough Competition (Teachers with Apps)

The U.S. education sector has become the nation’s second-biggest sector after healthcare. The value of education industry is estimated at nearly $1.5 trillion — roughly 10% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, according to GSV Asset Management and Candlestick Research.


Sony Abandons eReader Market in the United States (GoodReader)

Sony has confirmed that they have no intention of selling their new PRS-T3 e-Reader in the United States.


The Truth About Author Websites (Digital Book World)

For some writers, their author website is a thing of pride of beauty. It’s an active well of new material, a place of engagement and connection, an extension of their books, even an invitation into their writing life. It gathers email addresses, expands audience, benefits SEO, and is their personal beachhead on the Web.


Kindle Daily Deal: Fifty Exciting Books



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