library ebook programSimon & Schuster Expands Library E-Book Program (Publishers Weekly)
After jumping into the library e-book market last April with a limited pilot, Simon & Schuster is expanding its program to more libraries, and adding OverDrive to its list of vendors.

6 Steps to Bringing Innovation to the Classroom (Media Shift)
New years and new semesters give educators the opportunity to review past courses and identify ways to change and improve them. In 2014, improvement can pave the way for innovation.

Engaging with eBooks Can Aid Children’s Literacy, Study Finds (The Digital Shift)
As younger and younger children recognize and use electronic devices as sources of information and entertainment, what is the impact on their literacy skills?

Publishers Must Offer Services, Not Just Books, to Make Subscriptions Work (Digital Book World)
For subscription ebook models to work, publishers must provide services to customers, not just content, according to panelists speaking this afternoon at the third day of Digital Book World 2014 in New York.

Kindle Daily Deals: Darkness & Shadows (and others)


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