scribd logoScribd Adds Exclusive Short Story Content From Start-up Connu (Digital Book World)
We have confirmed through a Scribd spokesperson that part of the deal prevents Connu content from appearing on other ebook subscription services like rival Oyster.

How Magazines Use Analytics to Refine Digital Initiatives (Media Shift)
Magazines have made major strides in integrating multimedia production into their existing production processes.

Wattpad Plans to Stay Free Forever, Will Make Money From Native Ads (The Digital Reader)
When it comes to funding a website with a lot of users, there are a number of tried and true business models, including selling ads, selling user data, charging for a premium service, and so on.

Don’t Weep for the Past; Plan for the Future (Techdirt)
Innovation is often about surfing waves. Many people wipeout along the way, but you have no chance at all if you’re trying to surf at the wave rather than with it.

Kindle Daily Deal: The Scribe (and others)


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