library vending machinesThe Library Vending Machine (Book Riot)
Changing demographics and difficulty securing new funds for new libraries, The Pioneer Library System in Norman, Oklahoma decided to to use technology to meet its patrons needs. So last week, it opened the first 24-hour library vending machine in the United States.

Better Together: Gifts to Give as Companions to Children’s Books (Apartment Therapy)
I love giving books to children as gifts and even if they later come to love and appreciate the book, it isn’t the most exciting gift to open and I’ve seen a few little faces struggling to hide their disappointment. My new strategy is to give a related toy or gift as a companion so you get to give the instant gratification gift and the delayed gratification one.

The Challenge of Managing Change at Small and Mid-Size Publishers (Digital Book World)
Publishing houses have had to adapt to sweeping changes in the book publishing industry since the rise of ebooks. For a small publisher with just a handful of employees, change is relatively easy. There’s a reason small organizations are admired for their ability to be nimble. It’s much harder for large organizations with hundreds or thousands of employees to get them all to change in the same way at the same time.

Apple Rolls Out Managed Distribution Program for Books and Textbooks (GoodeReader)
Apple has rolled out a new Managed Distribution Program for schools to help facilitate the bulk delivery of eBooks and eTextbooks. The update was pushed today to the Apple volume purchase portal that allows schools to push out apps and digital content.

Kindle Daily Deals: Unwritten (and others)


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