Boulder BookstoreIs Social Media to Blame for the Increase in Graphic Images in the Media? (Media Shift)
Social media platforms are the Wild West of publication. Journalists and traditional news publishers are no longer the primary information “gatekeepers” of public discourse; neither are they able to impose their professional publication standards and ethics on social media users and bloggers.

Hachette, Ingram Drop Plans to Buy Perseus (PW)
A letter sent to Perseus employees Thursday afternoon, from Perseus CEO David Steinberger, said that despite much effort from all three parties “we could not reach an agreement on everything necessary to close the transaction.”

If We Were James Patterson (Joe Konrath)
Okay, let’s just hit the highlights. There’s little that’s new or noteworthy in Patterson’s latest screed, but there are several themes that unintentionally reveal themselves again and again when the princes of legacy publishing opine in public, and Patterson’s CNN piece provides a good opportunity to tease out those themes and examine their real implications.

Same-Day Book Delivery Doesn’t Best Bookstores…Yet (Digital Book World)
Want a book, and want it now? Your local bookstore is probably still your best bet.

Kindle Daily Deal: Slingshot (and others)


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